News from Bahrain

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Location: Brownsville, Texas, United States

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Ok, bugs are evil...I have several misquito bites on my shoulders and arms to attest to that statement.

Happy Anniversary to my grandparents (because, well...if they hadn't gotten married and had kids, my mom wouldn't be around).

Oh yeah, great story about one of the US customs guys--he took one look at my hands (which have pretty neat henna designs on them) and asked 'so, how was the wedding?' totally caught me off guard but it's true, henna is a decoration on the skin for special occasions (or not so special occasions if you're me)--especially weddings in the middle east and India. I was impressed the guy knew this but at the same time I'm not. :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

whoo! hoo!

I'm back in the land of greenery... and cows. :-)

I have decided that sleeping on a plane is not so pleasant...nor is dealing with screaming 3 year olds...all the more reason why I'm not going to have any of my own.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

ok, another update

honest to everything, there is a wonderful couple in the teacher's lounge--we're all bored like no other--playing a flash player game on one laptop (together) and killing zombies in said game. The conversation consists of something like this:

Anna: I just want the oozie and the shotgun, I'm surrounded by zombies.
Ben: don't take the amo.
Anna: aaaah the zombies.

Rhonda: so does your husband turn into a zombie when you kill him?

Anna: no, but you loose all your amo.

I kid you not. it gets better and better. Yes, this is how we waste away the morning...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

ok, ok, I'll update for once. I've got less than a week left on this island and then I'm back in Indiana. I suspect I'll be sobbing for most of the 25 min. flight from Detroit to Indy...I was last year.

Anyway, My to do list consists of not a whole lot left to do with lots of time to do it all!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Counting down the days...

Ok, it's that time of the year when us teachers don't want to see another student for two months and certainly don't want to be doing all the things we should be doing, need to be doing, and kindof have to do if we want to go home for the summer. Lots of paperwork is involved and it's no fun, but I have to do it. I've got 10 days left on this very hot island and then I'm going back to the land of lots of greenery and cows. :)

Saturday, June 07, 2008

a bit of an update

ok, school can't be over soon enough!

New obsession: Little Mosque on the Prairie. Canadian based tv show about a real small town in Canada with a real small mosque. The Muslims in said little town are great! I get the jokes mostly because I see all of this everyday here in Bahrain.

The next big update: two days until exams!