News from Bahrain

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Location: Brownsville, Texas, United States

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Calvin and Hobbes

I have an entire class that can be split down the middle into category's of Calvin (the constant mischief makers) and Hobbes (quiet, sarcastic, smart, and will sometimes get into trouble). Why I mention this. I had a student today who was Hobbes to the letter and in the funniest way. He literally looks up from his book and in his "most intelligent voice" explains a definition and why it is interesting, that the boy sitting next to him voiced as 'boring'. I just about fell off of my stool I was trying to keep from laughing.

As much as they all can drive me nuts, I love them all and they all have their moments that remind me why I do what I do.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

strange happenings...

Conversation with a student who's half Iraqi/half Egyptian.

me: so what's the deal between the Muslims and the Jews in the Middle East?

student: they hate us, we hate them, halas (that's it).

me: ... ok ...

I'm finding it interesting how my boys see the world. They see things as black and white AND shades of gray. They have no problem with accepting me as an American, but they generally don't care for Americans that can't accept them as anything but 'normal' teenage boys. Which, I suppose they are. Or at least they are as normal as one can be in the Middle East with all the trappings of a Middle Eastern life.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Just incase anyone was wondering...

Ok, this was not my fault, nor my idea. a group of my 9th grade girls turned me into their personal barbie doll on Saturday. This was the end result. Sorry, the pic isn't that great but it's the best I can do at the moment.

Yes, this is a lousy update. There really hasn't been a whole lot going on. I'm two and a half weeks away from being finished with teaching for the year. I'll still have exams and grades/report cards to contend with, but, I'll be alright with all that.

Friday, May 04, 2007

yep, it's an update

I'm not dead yet. I've got 7 weeks left. I'm excited with the end of the year coming up. Things at the school are going pretty well. I've got a month of teaching, 2 weeks of exams, clean up week and graduation left... any requests before I come back to the states--e-mail me.

Congrats to Rhiannon-- the graduation ceremony at BSU is a little different when you're wearing a cap and gown.