Ok, I've got to say one thing about Bahrain that should be obvious but then again maybe not...SAND STORMS SUCK!!!!! and to take that one step further...SAND STORMS THAT LAST THE THREE DAY WEEKEND SUCK EVEN MORE!!!!!
Ok, I've gotten THAT out of my system.
Last week we had the one-act variety show...I made a right fool out of myself with: A history of 20th century dance...in less than 5 minutes. Actually, it lasted 3 minutes 15 seconds and oh my gosh it was great! As soon as I have the video available, everyone will get to laugh at me just a little bit more. We also had the global village, I reprized my role as I-Ching coin tosser and interpreter...brochade silk in 100+ degree heat is NO FUN! And we also had Parent/Teacher conferences. I had 9 parents from start time (7:30am) to quitting time (2:00pm). Needless to say, I like being an elective teacher for THAT reason if nothing else. Next year will be different but that's next year. not last week. Also last week we got rid of our seniors! This is really good news for me. This means I don't have to split my grade book anymore and best of all half my kids are gone! Smaller classes means we get more done! yahoo for class projects. :)