News from Bahrain

My Photo
Location: Brownsville, Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Changes in the winds...

Well, the weather changed with a vengeance last night. We had nice and warm 80's and sunny yesterday, today--windy, and 60's! Winter is here! Most of the kids and many of the teachers are bundled up and cold. I'm not doing to bad with the keeping warm and such it's just that my sinuses have decided to stage a rebellion... right before my birthday, it figures.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The random things you learn...

So, I was doing my laundry the other day and discovered a 500 fil note in my jeans three pieces. Apparently, Bahrain money as valuable as it is, is not made out of cotton/linen like US currency.

500 fils is about $1.25 USD

Thursday, November 22, 2007

random driving pics...

The twin towers across from the financial harbor.

One of the MANY minerettes in the city. Each one looks different and such, This one is Suni.

Yep, I was driving around the city and here are some random shots of Manama.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Parent/teacher conferences...

Yahoo! Yesterday I survived the first round of parent/teacher conferences this school year. I came in looking all adult-like and came out smelling like a rose. I love this. Most of my kids did well this quarter. Some of them did not. Those who did not know what they've got to do to fix the problem...and it has nothing to do with my lack of trying to get the information to them. Regardless, I get along very well with parents regardless of the child's performance in my class.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The odd and unusual...

The drive to school is pretty worthless, I get from point A (my flat) to point B (school, you know, that place where we keep the non-voters for 8 hours everyday excluding weekends and holidays). Anyway, I saw something today that made me think of Richmond (Indiana). I saw a big yellow/orange school bus! Most buses in Bahrain are white and look more or less like hotel shuttles. If I had been more awake I would have gotten a picture.

In other news, I have survived the first quarter of the school year! I've got to enter grades by Thursday and next Thursday I have parent/teacher conferences...yeah, we'll see how that goes.