News from Bahrain
Sunday, July 29, 2007
House on the Rock!
These are flower pots. Believe it or not, I have a new definition of "Through the Looking Glass"... outside of Bahrain as a whole, this is it. We were greeted by these sculptures with flowers...and if you're wondering, yes, those are dragons and lizards on the pots.
More from House on the Rock in a later post!
In the Land of Lincoln we hit up the Lincoln house, Lincoln museum, the Lincoln tomb AND a really cool museum on funerary practices in the US. I know I'm a bit morbid but I thought it was worth it to see the history of embalming and burial practices in the US. We were in the area, it was an entertaining stop.
St. Louis!
Yep, Budweiser is from St. Louis. Went on the big tour. saw the horses, the dog, the whole thing. Kinda neat, even though I don't drink beer...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Un-holy cow...
Yep, in the great state of Indiana, cows are not worshipped as they may be in India. This makes for not so great conversation when you have to explain your morning activity--herding a single cow that had gotten out of it's field somehow...yep that is a single cow, just one, out of the field and my mom and I spent a grand total of 15 min to get it herded back into the field (should have only taken 5--if that). Bessy just wouldn't follow our herding directions--obviously my mom and I make lousy herding dogs.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Back home again in Indiana...
Ok, I'm back in Indiana. I've seen one set of grandparents, the little sister, the Methodist church (several decent people that have known me since high school), and lots of time in the car.
So far, bacon is the big thing that I'm getting re-aquainted with. yep, I like pork.
So far, bacon is the big thing that I'm getting re-aquainted with. yep, I like pork.