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Location: Brownsville, Texas, United States

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I shall call him 'Squishie'...

Today there was an out of school service beach clean up for student council and IB (honors) students so for the first half of the day a bunch of kids were gone--this didn't effect me what so ever. What did effect me was when I had my last class-Psychology- and one of my kids comes in with a zip-lock baggie half filled with water and I'm expecting a goldfish or something... no, he's got two tiny jellyfish in the bag, and he's named one of them Steve! So, naturally, I asked what the other one was named and he didn't have an answer for me so I said I would call him "Squishie".

Thank you 'Finding Nemo' for the name of Squishie for all jellyfish I see...


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