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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Social rank and file

As an observer of culture, I’ve noticed a few things about Bahraini culture. There is a food chain that I have mentioned earlier but now I can elaborate on it a little—now that I have a much better idea of what the food chain really is…

There is the lowest class: South East Asian immigrants, maids, drivers, nannies, hotel staff, restaurant staff, etc.

The lower class: Indians (from India), equally maids, drivers, nannies, hotel staff, restaurant staff, etc.

The lower class Bahraini: the people who don’t have a driver, servant, and/or a nanny for the kids.

The middle class: Ex-Patriots from New Zealand, Australia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America (there is a pecking order here too—South America is near the bottom, North America is near the top). These people are engineers, teachers, and other “real work” people. These people are also paid relatively well by standards of their home countries.

The middle class Bahraini: The people who have a driver, nanny, and at least one servant or maid that comes in or lives in the home. These are also the men who have multiple wives and such.

The upper class Bahraini: members of Parliament, Government workers, university professors, etc. Predominantly Bahraini and Middle Eastern. The kids are sent to ritzy private schools, have private tutors, and/or sent abroad for an education.

Then there’s the royal family. Needless to say the royal family is above the upper class so you can imagine what their life is like.


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